#894 Pro Photo Program – Student Success

Yep, we’ve got another graduate from the ProProgram that we’re cheering!!

I first met Morina Reece on our Natural Light Portraits photo class. She was keen to learn as much as possible about photography and people. She then joined the ProProgram which accelerated her learning – not only from a photo aspect but also from a post processing, business, and client aspect.

Ottawa pro photo program

© Morina Reece - ProProgram graduate

But enough from me. Hear what Morina has to say:

The ProProgram has been a delightful, adventure!!  Harry’s mantras of “get it as right as possible in the camera” and “do something different” has guided all my photography work and to some extent my personal and professional life!

The ProProgram offered me technical, creative, and business resources, advice, guidelines and encouragement. Most importantly, it provided me with a network of photographers (friends) who were and still are exceedingly generous with their time, guidance, and support. They cheer, motivate and provide me with much needed honest and critical critiques of all aspects of my photography business, not to say anything of the many fun times we have together!   

Ottawa photo class

"Do something different" - © Morina Reece

The ProProgram brought me from a fledgling amateur to a confident, competent photographer. Although I am graduating, the ProProgram will always be a part of my life, building and reinforcing my photography skills and passion for photography. 

Thanks Harry and the gang!

Thanks Morina! I am proud of you!!
Please join us in cheering for Morina’s work and success in photography.

Ottawa pro photo class

© Morina Reece - ProProgram graduate

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