We’re excited as we prepare to trek to Victoria in November to present one of our most fun workshops – Night Light.
I’ve said before it’s not our most popular (we only offer once or twice a year) but it is one of our most fun workshops. You see, there’s photo magic involved. We help you photograph things you cannot see with your naked eye.

Night Light photo course
Night Light – Ottawa sold out in this year – we had a fun group who learned tons of fun ideas and techniques – everything from:
• capturing stunning skyscapes as the daylight sky gets sucked into night blackness.
• using flashlights to paint everything from statues to trees to words in thin air.
• using camera flash (SB units) to capture elusive ghosts in photos.
• two techniques to turn normal traffic into rivers of light or race cars among laser beams!

Night Photo Course Before Light Painting

Night Photography Course - Light Painting!
Ottawa students said:
“Excellent; night photography has always been intimidating and frustrating. No longer!” JM
“Harry was patient & challenging – love it.” JK
“You do a great job, Harry. Don’t change.” Anon.
Join us in Victoria, BC as guests of Luz Galley.
Registration Details.

Night Photography Course - Victoria BC