#952 One Year Anniversary – Online Program – Special Offer!

Happy Anniversary to us!!
A year ago, in June, we added the Online Photo Program to our list of photo classes to help bring our well-loved photo courses to people beyond Ottawa!

It was a lot of work and we weren’t sure quite what we were getting into!
But… what we did create has people coming back for more!

First photo challenge - self portraits © Jane B.

First online photo challenge – “self portraits” © Jane B.

Members keep sending in comments saying how the program has helped them:
• be more active photographers
• learn in a fun environment
• be part of a community of photographers looking to improve their skills.

First Online Photo Challenge "Self Portraits" © Maisie I.

First Online Photo Challenge “Self Portraits” © Maisie I.

Whatever the Online Photo Program does, I am seeing people improve their skills and produce better and better photos!

See last month’s online photo program review for more member photos and comments!

See part of the first critique session ever on the Online Photo Program:

Special Offer!
In celebration of the first year of photo fun on the online photo program we are offering a celebratory, limited offer to the lucky people who click the button below until June 3rd!

30% off! Hurry – it won’t last long!
Instead of $180 for 6 months of monthly photo courses, you get 6 months of photo challenges, video, notes, critique and sharing for $125! Price returns to $180 after June 3rd.

Special Offer has expired…
Register Online.

First Online Photo Challenge "Self Portraits" © Cheryl K.

First Online Photo Challenge “Self Portraits” © Cheryl K.

#897 Online Photo Course – Better Photos – Festive Photo Challenge!

better photos - online photo class

Festive Photo Challenge - ©E Black, captured in Victoria, BC.

Our Online Photo Class continues to get good reviews and good photo results.

Last month members were challenged to create Festive Photos. Part of their challenge was to create what that meant! It was more of a creative challenge than a technical one which is often tougher as their is no formula.

As usual the photos surprised me with a mix of lights, people and magic.

Better photos - Online photo challenge!

Better photos - Online photo challenge - © J Beaumont; captured in Vancouver, BC.

Members worked hard and stretched their limits. One member sent this today:
Thank you for the push to see everyday things and then turn them into something creative…  I think that the greatest challenge for me was taking the time just to slow down,  think and to really see what is in my day to day environment.

If your photography needs a push join our Online Photo Program.

This month members are working on a very technical challenge that often confounds even experienced amateurs – getting whites to be white. I’ve seen a few good early results – their photo submissions are starting to come in.

Online photo course - festive photos

Online photo course - festive photos - © MMcKenna captured in Ottawa