We had a wonderful weekend at the New Art Festival.
Weather was perfect and we met many new and familiar faces.
If you follow this blog you’ll know I showed my new Sunstreaks and B&W Watershed works straight from the camera.

New Works at the New Art Festival
Both sets of photos were exciting to explore. The processes took 1-2 years to transform and tweak into the artwork I am producing – many, many, erm, challenges/attempts/failures before I got successes.
A big, big thanks to everyone that came to visit and supported my work. Your purchases help me continue to experiment and produce new works.

SOLD – New Works – Parliament Hill Sun streak…
And a big thanks to those that helped behind the scenes – John, Marcel, Omer, Rachel (& friend), Marie-Helene and, of course my wife and family who picked up the slack as I worked through the weekend!
Many thanks…
I have a show coming up at La Fab.
Stay tuned!

Large Format Photography