Tonight members of the ProProgram met for dinner at Pub Italia (yum) followed by a show and tell session at our studio – The ProProgram are a group of people jumpstarting their photography. Many are looking to start a photo business part time or full time. Others want to take their photography on a steep learning curve.
The Programmers take photo courses, meet for critique/development sessions, and are required to do some shadowing with established photographers. The program also provides a network for the photographers to grow.
The studio was a little upside down as we put the final touches on our photo studio’s Open House on Saturday.
Overall the evening went well. Programmer’s exchanged ideas, shared photos, traded contacts and offered advice to the rest of the group.
Smiles all around…
Some will be exhibiting their hard work at our Open House. Come to cheer their successes Saturday December 3rd at 7pm – – 160 Preston St!

ProProgram photography course
All I can say Harry, is, sorry I missed the open house.
It’s been a hectic two weeks.
No problem Joe – you missed a good one but we’ll be having other events!