A year ago we started posting photo tips on our photo Facebook Page.
That became popular enough that we created PrimePhotoTips.com.
The Facebook page gets tips first but there’s no way to easily search archived tips.
PrimePhotoTips lags a few days behind but you can search for all tips on portraits.
Please like our Facebook page (ahem, someone got a free three-month online program for liking the page last month, just saying) and check PrimePhotoTips regularly to keep inspired to shoot.
Here are some recent tips:
Photo Tip #230
Do things differently.
Most people take photos of trees from the outside. Try going inside the tree’s canopy – everything changes perspective.

Photo Tip – Do things differently – Try shooting from within the tree’s canopy!
Photo Tip #229
Learn from your child’s perspective.
Give them your camera/iPhone etc. – they produce some beautiful (and perhaps unusual from-an-adult perspective) photos.
We can learn so much from them…

Photo Tip – Learn from the perspective of your young kids!
Photo Tip #228
Dedicated to all of our photo students:
“With time, small steps will take you a long way!”
Photo below by Morina Reece of Ottawa (who has come a long way in her photo skills!)

Photo Tip – With time, small steps will take you a long way.
Photo Tip #227
Ask yourself “What is this portrait about?”
• Physical appearance?
• Their soul & passion?
• What they represent?
Then, reflect and shoot.
This thought process can take days or more.
But it’ll help you produce better portraits!

Blacksmith Portrait – what’s the photo about?!
Photo Tip #224
Choose what you are exposing for.
• Don’t let the camera do it for you!
• Different light levels can have a huge impact on your photos depending on whether you expose for the sunny or shady areas…
A simple shot of backlit towels on a clothes line can produce some magic if YOU control the light settings properly.

Photo Tip – Backlighting can add magic to your photos