#918 Value of Photography (& creative talent) – Three Recent Stories

Last week I read three stories about the challenges of creative business. See links below.

One is local and all are a bit worrying. They face the realities of photography ten years after the web and digital cameras became mainstream.

Since digital cameras made photography seem more accessible and the web made sourcing photos easier than ever the perceived value of photography has plummeted!

It’s been an interesting challenge to explain the vast difference between the many levels of photos and photo services offered.

And it’s been an even tougher challenge to get people to pay sustainable rates for high quality photography work. Sigh…

Some of the stories:
1. Photographer vs Big Business
Local Ottawa photographer Barbi Cameron of Barabara Ann Studios butted heads with a prominent radio station when they used her photo in a promotion without appropriate licensing. The story went kablooie (over 4000 FB shares in a week!) through social media channels.

The situation is jaw-droppingly bad!

See the post on her Facebook page.
Read another version of the story here.

2. NYC Photo Blogger vs DKNY
On our Facebook page we shared Barbi’s story and one of our readers added this similar (but slightly less bad) story of unlicensed photo usage. Another story of inappropriate photo usage.

3. Writer offered to write for free – Atlantic Magazine
A sad story of the perceived value of another creative outlet.  Thanks to veteran photojournalist, Rod MacIvor for sharing this one.

The GOOD News
From what I have seen the pendulum is starting to swing back to where it should be – people are starting to recognize good photography has costs and there is a difference in photos and photo services. Phew.

Fun video – “Pay the Writer”
I have posted this before but it is worth re-posting. Writer, Harlan Ellison discusses the value of his work. Makes me smile! WARNING – some poopy language!

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