#607 Baby Portraits

We made a special announcement Monday about a special event.

It’s been an interesting week learning about the ways of babies. If you haven’t guessed yet, our baby arrived 5 days ago.

We’d like to introduce you to our special bundle of joy – ‘Q’ – below

All are well and we are getting to know each other. As for the blog and photo work we are operating on baby schedule so we are working at slower speed than normal for another week.

Newborn photography

Newborn photography

5 thoughts on “#607 Baby Portraits

  1. Congratulations Harry! He is beautiful… glad to hear all are well. Now I’ll scratch my head trying to figure out a name that starts with the letter ‘Q’… cheers!

  2. Beautiful baby…will you let us know what the full name is? Quinn, perhaps? Queenie? Quiet? (Hah!) Enjoy this magical time!