#517 Fast cars

Last week we shot a fine car for our stock and art collection.

It was a fun shoot starting at ‘Far Too Early’ but with good results. Most of the work was shot on film but on the drive home we had some fun with the digital, below, shot handheld:

Ferrari Photo

Ferrari Photo

Thanks Hagen!

#516 Photo Newsletters and Workshops

Our ‘Exposed!’ Photography Newsletter comes out next week and we are writing on exposure modes. Looking for other opinions I asked Christine Denis – maternity, newborn photographer and leader of our Photographing Your Children Workshop – what exposure mode she uses.

This workshop has new dates: October 5 (eve), 9 (day) and 12 (eve).

She was pretty direct (see below):

Photographing Your Children Workshop

Photographing Your Children Workshop

I shoot manual because I want complete control over what I capture with my camera.  I make the decisions – not the camera – on what part of the image will be exposed correctly and what type of motion will be captured.  The results are properly exposed images, with nice skin tones, and sharpness where I want it to be.

Shooting in manual also gives you the freedom to be as creative as your imagination will take you.  The photo above is an example of what I mean, my daughter is back lit, and off centered. I wanted a nice blurry background, so I set my aperture to 2.8, then took an exposure reading off her face and set the speed accordingly.  I didn’t mind that the rim of her hair was backlit, and the backgroud a little brighter – it was the effect I wanted. It would have been impossible to take this shot in Auto or Program mode.

Yep, those are my sentiments! But this can be a hot topic. Look for the article next week.