#254 Passivhaus photos

I keep mentioning the work I did covering Malcolm Isaac’s Passivhaus home experiment for the pages of Ottawa Magazine.

Malcolm Isaacs Passivhaus

Malcolm applied the ideas of well engineered insulation to house construction and ended up with a reasonably priced 1700 square foot home that consumes about $400 of energy per year to run – including heat!

Malcolm Isaacs Passivhaus

Why do I keep bringing up Malcolm on the blog?:

  1. With Malcolm’s advice I have seen our 140 year old leaky home – too hot in summer, freezing in winter – become more comfortable than many modern homes with air conditioning!
  2. His ideas will save buckets of money, pollution and energy
  3. He is presenting his ideas on:

Tuesday, May 5th


Black Sheep Inn in Wakefield, Qc.

Malcolm Isaacs Passivhaus

Stay warm, keep cool, reduce energy.

Worth a visit.

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