On Saturday, we hosted a good crew looking to refresh or develop good base photo skills.
We looked at the basics of exposure and how to master manual exposure mode.
… It’s scary but essential if you want to drive creative control yourself.
And contrary to popular belief it’s not that hard to get good, solid exposures in manual exposure mode – at least when you understand the concepts and steps involved.
Benefits of manual exposure mode:
• YOU control brightness of your photos and choose creative outcomes
• Avoid letting the camera decide on exposure – the camera will choose different exposures based on what it aims at (dark tree or bright snow…) rather than what light level exists.
• Avoid grey snow scenes (a sure way to know someone doesn’t understand exposure!)
In three hours participants were getting consistently better exposures.
And more smiles. 🙂

Learning about exposure and histograms
Spring and Summer Workshops? Your input please!
Initial offerings of spring and summer workshops are set but we have a few more slots we’d like to fill.
What do YOU want to learn?
• Portraits?
• Composition?
• Motion/sports?
• Any guest instructors?
Send us a note – we’d love to hear from you!

Photo workshops