#261 Pitching products and web advertising

We have started receiving requests to promote events, products or text ads as the blog has become more popular. I have always written about my experiences based on the products I use and am curious how to deal with the requests I now receive.

While we do accept some limited advertising on the site – and am grateful for the sponsor’s support – I want to develop a way to keep my comments genuine and allow for some extra content that fits the scope of this blog and our readers!

I realize we need to start defining how to deal with the requests. A visible policy is always a good start and we are starting to develop one.

In so doing I found a prominent Ottawa based blogger who has been blogging since before blogs were savvy. Andrea at QuietFish.com has quite a following on her blog “a peek inside the fishbowl” and visibky displays her pitch policy.

Good advice! Stay tuned as we develop policy.

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