Join us for a photo safari to explore the fiery world of a blacksmith’s shop in the Ottawa Valley.

Sparks and steel – Ottawa Valley blacksmith photo safari
Photographers gain access to the blacksmith’s shop to photograph the beauty of sparks and steel. The emphasis is on fun, friends and photographic challenges!
We spend two hours with your camera in the working blacksmith shop.

Sparks and Steel – Ottawa blacksmith photo safari
What you need:
Bring any camera – from point and shoot to high tech SLR. You may bring a tripod and flash – but they are not necessary.
Bring comfortable clothes, footwear and a friend to share the fun.
What to expect:
The group explores the black smith shop. The emphasis is on fun tips to help you capture the sparks and steel.
We spend time in the Blacksmith’s shop exploring with your cameras. Top photos will be featured on the blog at
See some participant photos from the last blacksmith safari!

Sparks and Steel – Ottawa blacksmith photo safari
Saturday, November 9, 2013; 1-3pm.
We meet in Carleton Place, 30 minutes from central Ottawa. Car pooling is encouraged!
$80 + taxes.

Sparks and Steel – Ottawa Valley blacksmith photo safari