Exposed! :: Beautiful Blurred Backgrounds ::

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Reviewing a student's work recently one thing quickly presented itself - everything was in focus. The main subject and the secondary elements were all sharp, which pulled my eyes from the delicious primary focal element. And that was problematic.

In this month's Exposed Photo Newsletter we explore the idea that less is lovely, simplicity scores, and fine photos favour finite focal points!

We often strive to get enough in focus. But sometimes too much of a good thing is a bad thing.

It's true - one delicious truffle can be more satisfying (and better for you) than a box of cheap candy.

So using a selective precise focus can add some extra zing to your photo. See the video below for an example ...

Video Review

So, to review, there are three things to help blur the background:

  1. Big f-stop like f4, f2.8, f1.8.
  2. Big lens: 85mm, 105mm, 200mm.
  3. Get close. Then get CLOSER.

The three things will help blur the background and give you finer photos


You got it. Follow the three steps and blow out your backgrounds.

Pro Perspective

I just completed a stock photo project for a government client. We were shooting people and travel documents and most of the shoot was shot with a very finite depth of field to bring attention to a specific element of the photo. Blurred backgrounds help make a strong photo.

Final Frame

Blur out the background.
Take photos.
Have fun.